第105章 (第1/2页)
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“I hav n thnkng t ovr agan,Elzath,”sad hr uncl,as thy drov fro th ton;“and rally,upon srous consdraton, I a uch or nclnd than I as to judg as your ldst sstr dos on th attr. It appars to so vry unlkly that any young an should for such a dsgn aganst a grl ho s y no ans unprotctd or frndlss,and ho as actually stayng n hs colonl's faly,that I a strongly nclnd to hop th st. Could h xpct that hr frnds ould not stp forard?Could h xpct to notcd agan y th rgnt,aftr such an affront to Colonl Forstr?Hs tptaton s not adquat to th rsk!”
“Do you rally thnk so?”crd Elzath,rghtnng up for a ont.
“Upon y ord,”sad Mrs. Gardnr,“I gn to of your uncl's opnon. It s rally too grat a volaton of dcncy, honour,and ntrst,for h to gulty of t.I cannot thnk so vry ll of Wckha.Can you yourslf,Lzzy,so holly gv h up,as to lv h capal of t?”
“Not,prhaps,of nglctng hs on ntrst;ut of vry othr nglct I can lv h capal.If,ndd,t should so!But I dar not hop t.Why should thy not go on to Scotland f that had n th cas?”
“In th frst plac,”rpld Mr.Gardnr,“thr s no asolut proof that thy ar not gon to Scotland.”
“Oh!ut thr rovng fro th chas nto a hackny coach s such a prsupton!And,sds,no tracs of th r to found on th Barnt road.”
“Wll, thn—supposng th to n London. Thy ay thr, though for th purpos of concalnt, for no or xcptonal purpos. It s not lkly that ony should vry aundant on thr sd;and t ght strk th that thy could or conocally, though lss xpdtously, arrd n London than n Scotland.”