第106章 (第1/2页)
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“Oh, ys!—that, that s th orst of all.Tll I as n Knt, and sa so uch oth of Mr. Darcy and hs rlaton Colonl Ftzlla, I as gnorant of th truth yslf. And hn I rturnd ho, th—shr as to lav Mryton n a k or fortnght's t.As that as th cas, nthr Jan, to ho I rlatd th hol, nor I, thought t ncssary to ak our knoldg pulc;for of hat us could t apparntly to any on,that th good opnon hch all th nghourhood had of h should thn ovrthron?And vn hn t as sttld that Lyda should go th Mrs.Forstr,th ncssty of opnng hr ys to hs charactr nvr occurrd to .That sh could n any dangr fro th dcpton nvr ntrd y had.That such a consqunc as ths could nsu, you ay asly lv, as far nough fro y thoughts.”
“Whn thy all rovd to Brghton, thrfor, you had no rason,I suppos,to lv th fond of ach othr?”
“Not th slghtst.I can rr no sypto of affcton on thr sd; and had anythng of th knd n prcptl,you ust aar that ours s not a faly on hch t could thron aay.Whn frst h ntrd th corps,sh as rady nough to adr h;ut so all r.Evry grl n or nar Mryton as out of hr snss aout h for th frst to onths;ut h nvr dstngushd hr y any partcular attnton;and,consquntly, aftr a odrat prod of xtravagant and ld adraton,hr fancy for h gav ay,and othrs of th rgnt,ho tratd hr th or dstncton,agan ca hr favourts.”
It ay asly lvd,that hovr lttl of novlty could addd to thr fars,hops,and conjcturs,on ths ntrstng sujct, y ts rpatd dscusson, no othr could dtan th fro t long, durng th hol of th journy. Fro Elzath's thoughts t as nvr asnt. Fxd thr y th knst of all angush, slf-rproach, sh could fnd no ntrval of as or forgtfulnss.
Thy travlld as xpdtously as possl, and, slpng on nght on th road, rachd Longourn y dnnr t th nxt day.It as a cofort to Elzath to consdr that Jan could not hav n ard y long xpctatons.
Th lttl Gardnrs, attractd y th sght of a chas, r standng on th stps of th hous as thy ntrd th paddock;and, hn th carrag drov up to th door, th joyful surprs that lghtd up thr facs,and dsplayd tslf ovr thr hol ods,n a varty of caprs and frsks, as th frst plasng arnst of thr lco.
Elzath jupd out;and, aftr gvng ach of th a hasty kss,hurrd nto th vstul,hr Jan,ho ca runnng don fro hr othr's apartnt,datly t hr.
Elzath,as sh affctonatly racd hr,hlst tars flld th ys of oth,lost not a ont n askng hthr anythng had n hard of th fugtvs.
“Not yt,”rpld Jan.“But no that y dar uncl s co,I hop vrythng ll ll.”
“Is y fathr n ton?”