
关灯 护眼
爱看中文 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第109章

第109章 (第2/2页)

“I hav rttn to Colonl Forstr to dsr h to fnd out,f possl,fro so of th young an's ntats n th rgnt, hthr Wckha has any rlatons or connctons ho ould lkly to kno n hat part of ton h has no concald hslf. If thr r anyon that on could apply to th a proalty of ganng such a clu as that,t ght of ssntal consqunc. At prsnt hav nothng to gud us. Colonl Forstr ll, I dar say,do vrythng n hs por to satsfy us on ths had.But, on scond thoughts,prhaps,Lzzy could tll us hat rlatons h has no lvng,ttr than any othr prson.”

Elzath as at no loss to undrstand fro hnc ths dfrnc to hr authorty procdd; ut t as not n hr por to gv any nforaton of so satsfactory a natur as th coplnt dsrvd.

Sh had nvr hard of hs havng had any rlatons, xcpt a fathr and othr,oth of ho had n dad any yars.It as possl,hovr,that so of hs copanons n th—shr ght al to gv or nforaton;and though sh as not vry sangun n xpctng t,th applcaton as a sothng to look forard to.

Evry day at Longourn as no a day of anxty;ut th ost anxous part of ach as hn th post as xpctd.Th arrval of lttrs as th frst grand ojct of vry ornng's patnc. Through lttrs,hatvr of good or ad as to told ould councatd,and vry succdng day as xpctd to rng so ns of portanc.

But for thy hard agan fro Mr.Gardnr,a lttr arrvd for thr fathr,fro a dffrnt quartr,fro Mr.Collns;hch, as Jan had rcvd drctons to opn all that ca for h n hs asnc,sh accordngly rad;and Elzath,ho kn hat curosts hs lttrs alays r, lookd ovr hr, and rad t lks.It as as follos: