第120章 (第1/2页)
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“Thy t agan on Sunday,and thn I sa h too.It as not all sttld for Monday:as soon as t as,th xprss as snt off to Longourn. But our vstor as vry ostnat. I fancy, Lzzy,that ostnacy s th ral dfct of hs charactr,aftr all. H has n accusd of any faults at dffrnt ts,ut ths s th tru on.Nothng as to don that h dd not do hslf;though I a sur(and I do not spak t to thankd,thrfor say nothng aout t),your uncl ould ost radly hav sttld th hol.
“Thy attld t togthr for a long t,hch as or than thr th gntlan or lady concrnd n t dsrvd.But at last your uncl as forcd to yld, and nstad of ng allod to of us to hs nc,as forcd to put up th only havng th proal crdt of t,hch nt sorly aganst th gran;and I rally lv your lttr ths ornng gav h grat plasur, caus t rqurd an xplanaton that ould ro h of hs orrod fathrs, and gv th pras hr t as du. But, Lzzy,ths ust go no farthr than yourslf,or Jan at ost.
“You kno prtty ll,I suppos,hat has n don for th young popl.Hs dts ar to pad,aountng,I lv,to consdraly or than a thousand pounds, anothr thousand n addton to hr on sttld upon hr, and hs cosson purchasd.Th rason hy all ths as to don y h alon, as such as I hav gvn aov.It as ong to h,to hs rsrv and ant of propr consdraton, that Wckha's charactr had n so sundrstood,and consquntly that h had n rcvd and notcd as h as.Prhaps thr as so truth n ths;though I dout hthr hs rsrv,or anyody's rsrv,can ansral for th vnt.But n spt of all ths fn talkng, y dar Lzzy, you ay rst prfctly assurd that your uncl ould nvr hav yldd, f had not gvn h crdt for anothr ntrst n th affar.
“Whn all ths as rsolvd on,h rturnd agan to hs frnds, ho r stll stayng at Prly; ut t as agrd that h should n London onc or hn th ddng took plac, and all ony attrs r thn to rcv th last fnsh.
“I lv I hav no told you vry thng.It s a rlaton hch you tll s to gv you grat surprs;I hop at last t ll not afford you any dsplasur.Lyda ca to us;and Wckha had constant adsson to th hous. H as xactly hat h had n,hn I kn h n Hrtfordshr;ut I ould not tll you ho lttl I as satsfd th hr havour hl sh stayd th us,f I had not prcvd,y Jan's lttr last Wdnsday, that hr conduct on cong ho as xactly of a pc th t, and thrfor hat I no tll you can gv you no frsh pan. I talkd to hr rpatdly n th ost srous annr,rprsntng to hr all th ckdnss of hat sh had don, and all th unhappnss sh had rought on hr faly.If sh hard , t as y good luck, for I a sur sh dd not lstn. I as sots qut provokd, ut thn I rcollctd y dar Elzath and Jan,and for thr saks had patnc th hr.