第125章 (第1/2页)
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As soon as thy r gon,Elzath alkd out to rcovr hr sprts;or n othr ords,to dll thout ntrrupton on thos sujcts that ust dadn th or. Mr. Darcy's havour astonshd and vxd hr.
“Why,f h ca only to slnt,grav,and ndffrnt,”sad sh,“dd h co at all?”
Sh could sttl t n no ay that gav hr plasur.
“H could stll aal,stll plasng,to y uncl and aunt, hn h as n ton; and hy not to ? If h fars , hy co hthr? If h no longr cars for , hy slnt?Tasng, tasng,an!I ll thnk no or aout h.”
Hr rsoluton as for a short t nvoluntarly kpt y th approach of hr sstr,ho jond hr th a chrful look,hch shod hr ttr satsfd th thr vstors,than Elzath.
“No,”sad sh,“that ths frst tng s ovr,I fl prfctly asy.I kno y on strngth,and I shall nvr arrassd agan y hs cong. I a glad h dns hr on Tusday. It ll thn pulcly sn that, on oth sds, t only as coon and ndffrnt acquantanc.”
“Ys,vry ndffrnt ndd,”sad Elzath,laughngly.“Oh, Jan,tak car.”