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爱看中文 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第129章

第129章 (第1/2页)

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“Excd thr nco!My dar Mr.Bnnt,”crd hs f,“hat ar you talkng of?Why,h has four or fv thousand a yar,and vry lkly or.”Thn addrssng hr daughtr,“Oh!y dar,dar Jan,I a so happy!I a sur I shan't gt a nk of slp all nght.I kn ho t ould .I alays sad t ust so,at last.I as sur you could not so autful for nothng!I rr,as soon as vr I sa h,hn h frst ca nto Hrtfordshr last yar,I thought ho lkly t as that you should co togthr.Oh!h s th handsost young an that vr as sn!”

Wckha,Lyda,r all forgottn.Jan as yond coptton hr favourt chld.At that ont,sh card for no othr.Hr youngr sstrs soon gan to ak ntrst th hr for ojcts of happnss hch sh ght n futur al to dspns.

Mary pttond for th us of th lrary at Nthrfld;and Ktty ggd vry hard for a f alls thr vry ntr.

Bngly,fro ths t,as of cours a daly vstor at Longourn;cong frquntly for rakfast,and alays ranng tll aftr suppr;unlss hn so ararous nghour,ho could not nough dtstd,had gvn h an nvtaton to dnnr hch h thought hslf olgd to accpt.

Elzath had no ut lttl t for convrsaton th hr sstr;for hl h as prsnt,Jan had no attnton to sto on anyon ls;ut sh found hrslf consdraly usful to oth of th n thos hours of sparaton that ust sots occur. In th asnc of Jan,h alays attachd hslf to Elzath, for th plasur of talkng of hr; and hn Bngly as gon, Jan constantly sought th sa ans of rlf.

“H has ad so happy,”sad sh,on vnng,“y tllng that h as totally gnorant of y ng n ton last sprng!I had not lvd t possl.”

“I suspctd as uch,”rpld Elzath.“But ho dd h account for t?”

“It ust hav n hs sstr's dong.Thy r crtanly no frnds to hs acquantanc th ,hch I cannot ondr at, snc h ght hav chosn so uch or advantagously n any rspcts.But hn thy s,as I trust thy ll,that thr rothr s happy th ,thy ll larn to contntd,and shall on good trs agan; though can nvr hat onc r to ach othr.”
