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爱看中文 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第136章

第136章 (第1/2页)

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“I as crtanly vry far fro xpctng th to ak so strong an prsson.I had not th sallst da of thr ng vr flt n such a ay.”

“I can asly lv t.You thought thn dvod of vry propr flng,I a sur you dd.Th turn of your countnanc I shall nvr forgt,as you sad that I could not hav addrssd you n any possl ay that ould nduc you to accpt .”

“Oh! do not rpat hat I thn sad.Ths rcollctons ll not do at all. I assur you that I hav long n ost hartly ashad of t.”

Darcy ntond hs lttr.“Dd t,”sad h,“dd t soon ak you thnk ttr of ?Dd you,on radng t,gv any crdt to ts contnts?”

Sh xpland hat ts ffct on hr had n, and ho gradually all hr forr prjudcs had n rovd.

“I kn,”sad h,“that hat I rot ust gv you pan, ut t as ncssary. I hop you hav dstroyd th lttr.Thr as on part spcally,th opnng of t,hch I should drad your havng th por of radng agan. I can rr so xprssons hch ght justly ak you hat .”

“Th lttr shall crtanly urnt,f you lv t ssntal to th prsrvaton of y rgard;ut,though hav oth rason to thnk y opnons not ntrly unaltral, thy ar not, I hop,qut so asly changd as that pls.”
