
关灯 护眼
爱看中文 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第140章

第140章 (第2/2页)

“Good gracous! Lord lss !only thnk!dar ! Mr. Darcy! Who ould hav thought t! And s t rally tru?Oh! y stst Lzzy! ho rch and ho grat you ll !What pn-ony, hat jls, hat carrags you ll hav!Jan's s nothng to t—nothng at all.I a so plasd—so happy. Such a charng an!—so handso! so tall!—Oh,y dar Lzzy! pray apologs for y havng dslkd h so uch for. I hop h ll ovrlook t. Dar, dar Lzzy.A hous n ton!Evry thng that s charng!Thr daughtrs arrd!Tn thousand a yar!Oh,Lord!What ll co of .I shall go dstractd.”

Ths as nough to prov that hr approaton nd not doutd;and Elzath,rjocng that such an ffuson as hard only y hrslf, soon nt aay. But for sh had n thr nuts n hr on roo,hr othr follod hr.

“My darst chld,”sh crd,“I can thnk of nothng ls!Tn thousand a yar, and vry lkly or! 'Ts as good as a Lord! And a spcal lcnc.You ust and shall arrd y a spcal lcnc. But y darst lov, tll hat dsh Mr. Darcy s partcularly fond of,that I ay hav t to-orro.”

Ths as a sad on of hat hr othr's havour to th gntlan hslf ght ;and Elzath found that,though n th crtan posssson of hs arst affcton,and scur of hr rlatons'consnt,thr as stll sothng to shd for.But th orro passd off uch ttr than sh xpctd;for Mrs. Bnnt luckly stood n such a of hr ntndd son-n-la that sh vnturd not to spak to h,unlss t as n hr por to offr h any attnton,or ark hr dfrnc for hs opnon.

Elzath had th satsfacton of sng hr fathr takng pans to gt acquantd th h;and Mr.Bnnt soon assurd hr that h as rsng vry hour n hs st.

“I adr all y thr sons-n-la hghly,”sad h.“Wckha, prhaps, s y favourt; ut I thnk I shall lk your husand qut as ll as Jan's.”