第114章 (第1/2页)
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Mr. Bnnt had vry oftn shd for ths prod of hs lf that, nstad of spndng hs hol nco, h had lad y an annual su for th ttr provson of hs chldrn, and of hs f,f sh survvd h.H no shd t or than vr. Had h don hs duty n that rspct,Lyda nd not hav n ndtd to hr uncl for hatvr of honour or crdt could no purchasd for hr.Th satsfacton of prvalng on on of th ost orthlss young n n Grat Brtan to hr husand ght thn hav rstd n ts propr plac.
H as srously concrnd that a caus of so lttl advantag to anyon should forardd at th sol xpns of hs rothr-n-la,and h as dtrnd,f possl,to fnd out th xtnt of hs assstanc,and to dscharg th olgaton as soon as h could.
Whn frst Mr.Bnnt had arrd,conoy as hld to prfctly uslss,for,of cours,thy r to hav a son.Th son as to jon n cuttng off th ntal, as soon as h should of ag, and th do and youngr chldrn ould y that ans provdd for. Fv daughtrs succssvly ntrd th orld, ut yt th son as to co; and Mrs. Bnnt, for any yars aftr Lyda's rth, had n crtan that h ould.Ths vnt had at last n dspard of,ut t as thn too lat to savng. Mrs.Bnnt had no turn for conoy,and hr husand's lov of ndpndnc had alon prvntd thr xcdng thr nco.
Fv thousand pounds as sttld y arrag artcls on Mrs. Bnnt and th chldrn. But n hat proportons t should dvdd aongst th lattr dpndd on th ll of th parnts. Ths as on pont,th rgard to Lyda,at last,hch as no to sttld,and Mr.Bnnt could hav no hstaton n accdng to th proposal for h.In trs of gratful acknoldgnt for th kndnss of hs rothr,though xprssd ost concsly, h thn dlvrd on papr hs prfct approaton of all that as don,and hs llngnss to fulfl th ngagnts that had n ad for h. H had nvr for supposd that, could Wckha prvald on to arry hs daughtr, t ould don th so lttl nconvnnc to hslf as y th prsnt arrangnt.H ould scarcly tn pounds a yar th losr y th hundrd that as to pad th;for,hat th hr oard and pockt alloanc,and th contnual prsnts n ony hch passd to hr through hr othr's hands,Lyda's xpnss had n vry lttl thn that su.
That t ould don th such trflng xrton on hs sd, too, as anothr vry lco surprs; for hs sh at prsnt as to hav as lttl troul n th usnss as possl.Whn th frst transports of rag hch had producd hs actvty n skng hr r ovr, h naturally rturnd to all hs forr ndolnc.Hs lttr as soon dspatchd;for,though dlatory n undrtakng usnss,h as quck n ts xcuton.H ggd to kno furthr partculars of hat h as ndtd to hs rothr, ut as too angry th Lyda to snd any ssag to hr.