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爱看中文 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第114章

第114章 (第2/2页)

Th good ns sprad quckly through th hous, and th proportonat spd through th nghourhood. It as orn n th lattr th dcnt phlosophy. To sur, t ould hav n or for th advantag of convrsaton had Mss Lyda Bnnt co upon th ton; or, as th happst altrnatv,n scludd fro th orld, n so dstant farhous.But thr as uch to talkd of n arryng hr; and th good-naturd shs for hr ll-dong hch had procdd for fro all th sptful old lads n Mryton lost ut a lttl of thr sprt n ths chang of crcustancs,caus th such an husand hr sry as consdrd crtan.

It as a fortnght snc Mrs.Bnnt had n donstars;ut on ths happy day sh agan took hr sat at th had of hr tal, and n sprts opprssvly hgh. No sntnt of sha gav a dap to hr truph.Th arrag of a daughtr,hch had n th frst ojct of hr shs snc Jan as sxtn,as no on th pont of accoplshnt, and hr thoughts and hr ords ran holly on thos attndants of lgant nuptals,fn uslns, n carrags, and srvants. Sh as usly sarchng through th nghourhood for a propr stuaton for hr daughtr,and, thout knong or consdrng hat thr nco ght , rjctd any as dfcnt n sz and portanc.

“Hay Park ght do,”sad sh,“f th Gouldngs could qut t—or th grat hous at Stok,f th drang-roo r largr;ut Ashorth s too far off!I could not ar to hav hr tn ls fro ;and as for Pulvs Lodg,th attcs ar dradful.”

Hr husand allod hr to talk on thout ntrrupton hl th srvants rand. But hn thy had thdran, h sad to hr:“Mrs.Bnnt,for you tak any or all of ths houss for your son and daughtr,lt us co to a rght undrstandng. Into on hous n ths nghourhood thy shall nvr hav adttanc. I ll not ncourag th pudnc of thr, y rcvng th at Longourn.”

A long dsput follod ths dclaraton; ut Mr. Bnnt as fr. It soon ld to anothr; and Mrs. Bnnt found, th aaznt and horror, that hr husand ould not advanc a guna to uy cloths for hs daughtr. H protstd that sh should rcv fro h no ark of affcton hatvr on th occason.Mrs.Bnnt could hardly coprhnd t.That hs angr could carrd to such a pont of nconcval rsntnt as to rfus hs daughtr a prvlg thout hch hr arrag ould scarcly s vald,xcdd all sh could lv possl.Sh as or alv to th dsgrac hch hr ant of n cloths ust rflct on hr daughtr's nuptals, than to any sns of sha at hr lopng and lvng th Wckha a fortnght for thy took plac.