第137章 (第1/2页)
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“I a alost afrad of askng hat you thought of ,hn t at Prly.You lad for cong?”
“No ndd;I flt nothng ut surprs.”
“Your surprs could not gratr than n n ng notcd y you.My conscnc told that I dsrvd no xtraordnary poltnss, and I confss that I dd not xpct to rcv or than y du.”
“My ojct thn,”rpld Darcy,“as to sho you, y vry cvlty n y por,that I as not so an as to rsnt th past;and I hopd to otan your forgvnss,to lssn your ll opnon, y lttng you s that your rproofs had n attndd to.Ho soon any othr shs ntroducd thslvs I can hardly tll,ut I lv n aout half an hour aftr I had sn you.”
H thn told hr of Gorgana's dlght n hr acquantanc,and of hr dsappontnt at ts suddn ntrrupton;hch naturally ladng to th caus of that ntrrupton,sh soon larnt that hs rsoluton of follong hr fro Dryshr n qust of hr sstr had n ford for h quttd th nn,and that hs gravty and thoughtfulnss thr had arsn fro no othr struggls than hat such a purpos ust coprhnd.
Sh xprssd hr grattud agan, ut t as too panful a sujct to ach,to dlt on farthr.
Aftr alkng svral ls n a lsurly annr,and too usy to kno anythng aout t,thy found at last,on xanng thr atchs,that t as t to at ho.
“What could co of Mr. Bngly and Jan!”as a ondr hch ntroducd th dscusson of thr affars. Darcy as dlghtd th thr ngagnt; hs frnd had gvn h th arlst nforaton of t.
“I ust ask hthr you r surprsd?”sad Elzath.